Monday, May 19, 2008


Why bitter words have to stretch between this smile and the next.
Why do I have to tell, when it is and when not.
Why fail to see through me,I am not so difficult.
Why take so long to guess the thinnest strains.
Why say things that aren’t meant.
Why so suddenly it stifles and kills.
What has happened to the day, this and thereafter.
Why do I try so hard to stand up.
And why in God’s name do I write things
That make no sense to you or a stranger.

(written in the summer of 2005)

P.S: Let the grammar & punctuation be. :P


Khamakha said...

oh the nevaending Whys!!!

sid said... the power what this n you are for the readers!

Khamakha said...

update now!

titzbitz updated

Beauty and the BEast said...

I didnt once loos at th grammar the words easily eclipsed that small mishap..