Saturday, May 31, 2008

Quirkeees 6.0

> Did someone say laughter is the best medicine???In my case it is nearly deadly. I get severe fits of laughter, without any help from jokes or jesters.I feel someone tickling, and the more I think the more I laugh. I nearly run breathless and have to beg with this someone to stop before it kills me.Scary trust me!

>Hmmm, I talk to the moon(when there is one) constantly(on the mute) and most of my imagination wakes up during such conversations.

>I need to be in love, whether with someone real or unreal. Mostly , it is the latter.

>While reading, I read what I had read the last day(at least two pages) before resuming it.

>I can spent my whole day without talking, coz I talk non stop in my mind, at the speed of light.

>While walking I think of myself as a certain character(can be anyone) and then I act like them. I end up shocking fellow pedestrians.But, luckily have never been stoned in public.

Okay, initially I was cluless. But, now that I have so many more in mind, there is no more left to mention. Only six.

Okay I tag

happy Quirkees!! :)

P.S skip spelling errors, drugged wid sleep.


Beauty and the BEast said...

I love the bit about you where you always have to be in love!! Its sooooo .... romantic!!!???

And added to the character impersonation is hilllarious!!

But as a package .. it all makes you all the more adorable!

Crimson Feet said...

u r right.. once u start thinking bout the quirks, so many more come to mind :).. u r quiet a romantic though!...
check my space.. done the tag!

The Sage said...

quite interesting... do remind me to disregard if and when i see you acting funny on the roads, please...

kyamaloom said...

Talking to moon, talking in mind and that walking part is EGGJHACT my case! :)

Nefariousoutlook said...

walking considering myself to be a character..that is same with me ...i even rehearse dialgues sure the fellow travelers must have been freaked many times :)