Today incidentally, I switched on to the right channel.They were showing a film I would remember for a long time.Summer Interlude by this fellow named Ingmar Bergman.Now,I had no idea if any such man lived, leave alone make some great movies.All I can say is this guy can actually look into peoples' minds and hearts.It had past and present interweaved,love and loss,age and youth, innocence and crude experience.It was a delight.I found simplicity,yet a very very individualistic touch.I remember that scene with that old woman walking,her face like a pale mask,and Maj-Britt Nelson walking behind.How experience draws away any space for feelings,care,and how man dances away like a dead,old,doll.Thankgoodness for Henrik's diary.Each frame is there,just where it should be,hanging there in that vault of time,you go again and again to it,and there it stays put.Silent,but so full.It is brimming with ...what should I call it?...taking help of physics here...a million particles in Brownian can see the spark(in Marie's eyes,her look), and you feel the energy forever latent in age(that shows itself actively during the summer with Henrik).
I found out that Bergman died just a year back,30th July 2007 to be precise(it was my brother's birthday that day).I can't believe how disappointed I am.Not that I could have met him.Not that unreal.All I mean is, it is scary to know just how many great things I donot know,and how many great people I will not know before they die.I want to watch all his films The Seventh Seal,Smile of a Summer Night,Wild Strawberries,Cries and Whispers,Fanny and Alexander,Through a Glass Darkly,Winter Light,The Silence...these are the best according to Google.
Another film I keep meaning to mention and forget everytime is Mirror Mask.If you are interested in delving deep into the human psyche, and if you dance across the thin line separating real from dream occasionally,then this one might just interest you.This stuff makes you want to become a filmmaker.I can only feel stuff like this,putting it into words and actually making a film is like genius level work.Throughout it makes you feel dude, this how dreams are..they are so sensible when you are dreaming, but once you wake up, they are amazingly strange...and most interesting is that you always know who the people are,only you seldom see their faces.Must watch!!!It is like a well orchestrated opera...where you fight your own self and win your way back home.Everyone searches for the Mirror Mask, only a few find it.
Speaking of the context has anyone seen The Science of Sleep by Michel Gondry(he is yet another genius)?That's another film I have to watch...both due to the story and of course, Gael Garcia Bernal.I guess I am too excited,should calm down.
bergman is known to be one of the past masters of cinema and is in the league of kurosawa, tarkovsky, truffaut or the fellinis of the world...i have the "summer interlude" and wild strawberries by him... would be watching soon.
am not able to track mirror mask... can you tell me the director?
have heard of "science of sleep" its on the agenda too!...
i like your choice of films.
Woah!! You surely added enough fuel to the already ignited urge to catch these flicks asap.
Myself an aspiring film-maker too.
Currently into Asst. Directors n stuff. You "really" seem to be into movies et al. Even the first posts says for that matter. What do you do?
@ crimson feet
thanx for stopping by.mirrormask is a 2005 release directed by Dave Mckean.Watch it if only fr d visuals.Awesm imagination at work!!
@ sutta
Feels Gr8. being told so by someone into films.Actually, I am not so much into movies.Just that I liked these and I wud love to knw more about quality cinema.Thanx for stopping by.n give me updates about good films when u can.
SIMC sounds good enough. At a point of time, I too was quite willing for Mass Comm. but eventually films took me over as usual. And honestly I'm glad it happened.
Btw, I'm curious to ask. Where do you get these movies? I mean here in Bombay I've tried some other sensible stuff too, but even stores like Landmark or Crossword don't have them.
In Kolkata too finding these is a rarity. Neways I am hoping some friends of mine wud have some of these...and d SIMC library wud also have some I guess.Aren't there any film libs whr u borrow vcds n stuff???
and did u do ur masters n films?? n frm whr?n another thing what's ur name?
Oh yeah! SIMC library can surely be a good option. Whatever libraries I know didn't satisfied me with their content. Anyways, I 'm looking for new ones too.
And I didn't do any masters in any field. Rather I left my grads too in between (long story). And since then I started working.(Long story again). :P
But yeah, currently I've applied for a 2 yrs. course in Film Direction from Whistling Woods Mumbai. Its perhaps the best in Asia now. Heard of it?
Btw, you can mail me (id is in my profile) for the next set of questions (if any). :P
Coz I guess I'll grow old and die talking through this comment system. Well... not that it would matter to anyone if I grow old n die. :|
And Oh!
Btw, the name's Rohit.
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